We are now in the second week of the Fantasy Movie Draft, and things are starting to get rolling. Check out how the box office went over the weekend, and get your entries in to our Summer Fantasy Movi…
Everything else we like do–reviewing books, graphic novels, or discussion of some other nerdy-related topics.
Summer Movie Draft 2016 Giveaway!
Check out how you can be entered to win our Summer Movie Draft giveaway! Rules and how to participate are on this post. Get excited about the blockbuster movie season and see how you can have a chan…
Fantasy Movie Draft – Fantasy Football For Movie Nerds
Time to get excited about the summer movies coming up! Josh and Violet put together a competition which blends our love of movies with fantasy sports! Check out how it went, and how you can participat…
Silly Superhero Situations #4: Maleficent Versus The Wicked Queen (Snow White)
by Josh We had a two-weeker for last week’s Silly Superhero Situations, and it has been one of my favorites to not only read, but read the responses from comments as well! I appreciate all of th…
Silly Superhero Situations #3: Wolverine Versus Godzilla
by Josh In the last “Silly Superhero Situations”, we pitted Joker against Joffrey at the DMV and it was a runaway victory for the Joker. I really thought the Joker’s lack of identifi…
Silly Superhero Situations #2: King Joffrey Versus The Joker
Since I had so much fun last week with the new segment Silly Superhero Situations, I figured it was about time for a new one. This time I will feature two of our favorite villains of pop culture: From…
Silly Superhero Situations #1: Spider-Man Versus Luke Skywalker
So we decided we wanted to start a new small, weekly poll on the website. Now this may have been done before, so we apologize if we are retreading old ground, but we thought it would be fun to have we…