Violet recaps Game of Thrones, Season 6 Episode 3, titled Oathbreaker, where the Three-Eyed Raven shows Bran another flashback involving his father, Jon Snow ponders his next step, Cersei plots, and a familiar face returns to Winterfell. Following the recap, both Josh and Violet share their thoughts about the episode.
- His thoughts on Game of Thrones, Episode 603 of Game of Thrones: Oathbreaker
- Her thoughts on Game of Thrones, Season 6 Episode 3: Oathbreaker
Game of Thrones Recap, Season 6 Episode 3: Oathbreaker
Castle Black
This episode picks up right after we left off at the end of last episode: with Jon Snow waking from the dead. Here, Davos reenters the room to see Jon Snow sit up. Jon looks around, confused, and looks down at the wounds on his body. Davos puts a cover around him as he tries to get up and stumbles. Just then, Melisandre comes in and sees what has happened. Davos asks Jon what he remembers. Jon remembers being stabbed. Davos explains that Melisandre brought him back. She asks Jon what he saw after he died. He replies that there was nothing. Melisandre believes that the Lord let Jon come back, and that Stannis was not the Prince that was promised, that someone has to be.
Davos asks Melisandre to step out of the room. Davos encourage Jon to go on and fight and clean up as much as he can. However, Jon is pessimistic, saying that he already tried that and he failed. Davos tells him to go fail again.

Jon then walks outside among the Night’s Watch and Wildlings. Tormund tells him that the people think he’s some kind of god, yet Jon denies it. Jon goes to Edd, and they hug. Jon Snow assures him that he’s still himself.
Later, in front of everyone, Jon Snow prepares to hang the four men who killed him. But first he asks them for any last words. Ser Alliser says he had a choice: betray him, or betray the Night’s Watch. He prays he’d make the right choice again knowing where he’d end up. Olly says nothing, just looks at Jon Snow defiantly. Then Jon cuts the rope and they all hang. After he watches them die, Edd tells Jon he should burn the bodies. Jon answers back, telling Edd that he should. He then takes off his coat and gives it to Edd, telling Edd that he now has Castle Black, saying, “My watch is ended.” Then Jon Snow walks away.
Sam and Gilly’s Voyage
Sam gets seasick on his voyage with Gilly, while Gilly is just fine. Sam breaks the news to Gilly that the Citadel does not allow women, so there will be no place for her there. He reveals that instead of Old Town, he’s taking her to his home, where his family will take care of her and little Sam. This upsets Gilly, since Sam had told her that wherever he goes, she goes too. Sam explains that he wants to become a Maester so that he can keep her and little Sam safe. He tells her they’re the only ones he cares about. Gilly tells Sam that if he thinks it’s for the best, she trusts him.
The Three-Eyed Raven Shows Bran Another Flashback
The Three-Eyed Raven shows Bran another flashback. Ned Stark and Howland Reed, Meera’s father, ride up to a castle to confront Ser Arthur Dayne, aka The Sword of the Morning. Bran remarks that his father said this man was the best swordsman he ever saw. Ned reports that the Rhaegar, the Mad King, is dead, and calls Arthur out for not being on the Trident to protect their prince. Arthur says that their prince wanted them here. Ned asks where his sister is. He doesn’t answer, saying that he wishes Ned good fortune in the wars to come. Then he and his men draw their swords against Ned and his men, and they all fight each other. It eventually comes down to just Ned versus Arthur. Bran remarks that Arthur is better than his father, and the Three-Eyed Raven agrees. Bran is confused, because he’s heard the story about his father beating him so many times. Just then, Howland Reed stabs Arthur from behind, and Ned delivers the killing blow from the front.
A cry comes from the tower, but the Three-Eyed Raven says that whats in the tower is for another time. However, Bran says he wants to see, and runs after Ned as he runs up the stairs, calling out “Father!” It seems like Ned hears Bran, as he stops and looks around. But then he continues up the stairs, and the Three-Eyed Raven brings Bran back to reality, though Bran protests.
Bran is adamant that his father heard him, but the Three-Eyed Raven isn’t so sure. He demands to know what’s in the tower, and wants to go back. One again, the Three-Eyed Raven warns him that if he stays too long where he belongs, he may never return. The Three-Eyed Raven says that he was there so long because he was waiting for Bran. He tells Bran that before he leaves he must learn — everything.
Daenerys and the Dothrakis
Daenerys and the Dothrakis make the trek to Dany’s new home. The Dothrakis leave Dany in the hut with the other widows, who strip her of her clothes and necklace, and give her new attire to match the rest of them. The leader tells Daenerys that she too thought her husband, Khal Savo, would conquer the world with her at his side. She tells Daenerys that it is forbidden for her to have gone out into the world after the death of Khal Drogo. Therefore, the Khalar Vezhven will decide Dany’s fate. The woman says that getting to stay with the widows is the best Daenerys can hope for now.
A woman named Vala is brought to Varys for helping the Sons of the Harpy murder the Unsullied and the Second Sons. Varys threatens her son, Dom. She says that if she talks they’ll kill her, so either they kill her, or Varys does. Varys says that he has booked passage for her and her son on a boat headed to Pentos, and tells her to make her choice.
Meanwhile, Tyrion awkwardly tries to make conversation with Grey Worm and Missandei. When that fails, he tries to play a drinking game with them — but they don’t drink. Luckily, Varys returns and reports that he has discovered that the Good Masters of Astapor and the Wise Masters of Yunkai are the ones who have been funding the Sons of the Harpy, with help from their friends in Volantis. Grey Worm is confident that they can defeat Astapor and Yunkai again, but Tyrion points out that them marching off to war would leave Meereen vulnerable. Missandei has an idea, though. She says that the Masters speak only one language, which they spoke to her for many years. If they want the Masters to hear them, they must speak it back to them. Tyrion asks Varys to get his little birds to deliver a message to the three Sons of the Harpy supporters.
King’s Landing
In King’s Landing, Qyburn bribes some “little birdies” — children — with sweets, just as Varys did. The Mountain comes in, and Qyburn tells the children not to be afraid of him, then dismisses them. Cersei and Jaime have come in as well. Jaime wants Qyburn to send the Mountain to crush the High Sparrow’s head, but Cersei reminds him that the High Sparrow is surrounded by his faithful people who will protect him. She says that the Mountain will only have to worry about facing one person. Jaime understands Cersei’s meaning, and comments that that’s one Trial by Combat that he looks forward to. Cersei wants little birdies to be placed not just in the city, but also in Dorne, Highgarden, and the North, so that they can discover their enemies.

Jaime, Cersei, and the Mountain walk in on the Small Council meeting, though their Uncle Kevan Lannister, the Hand of the King, reminds them that they have no position. Jaime says that he is the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, so he does have a position. Grand Maester Pycelle says that the Mad King had such a position on his Small Council, though King Robert saw things differently. Jaime and Cersei take a seat. However, Kevan and the others get up and leave, without addressing Jaime and Cersei’s concerns.
Tommen pays a visit to the High Sparrow, demanding for his mother to see Myrcella’s final resting place. The High Sparrow says this will not be possible until Cersei has fully atoned for her sins. She must stand trial so they can learn the true extent of her sins. The High Sparrow says this is not what he wants, this is what the gods want. He explains that there’s good in all of us, the best they can do is help each other bring it out.
Back at the Castle of Black and White, the Waif puts Arya through more training. Arya gets better at stick fighting and becoming no one. Arya tells the Waif about Arya Stark’s family, and about the Hound. She reveals that Arya had taken the Hound off of her list. Arya passes all the tests, and Jaqen H’ghar gives Arya her eyesight back.
Lord Umber visits Ramsay Bolton to request help to fight back against the Wildlings. Lord Umber refuses to pledge his banners to House Bolton, but instead brings in a gift: Osha the Wildling, and Rickon Stark. Lord Umber proves that this is Rickon Stark by giving him the head of Rickon’s direwolf, Shaggydog. Ramsay welcomes Rickon home.
Her Thoughts on Game of Thrones, Season 6 Episode 3: Oathbreaker
This episode felt like it went by really fast, even though there wasn’t actually a whole lot going on. It was a good story building episode, but one where we kept waiting for something to happen, and then before you know it, the episode is over.
Since we finally got Bran back this season, I had been wondering when we would see Rickon again. I didn’t realize it would be so soon and in such a way — as a betrayal by the Umbers. But of course, the biggest tragedy this episode was the loss of Shaggydog. No, not another Stark direwolf! We already lost Lady back in Season 1, then Grey Wolf was a victim of the Red Wedding. Now, Shaggydog. What’s the point of the direwolves if they keep getting killed off? It seemed like they were supposed to be significant when first introduced. We still have Ghost with Jon, and Summer with Bran, and Nymeria is wandering out in the forests of Westeros somewhere, presumably. I hope for their reunion just as much as I hope for the reunion of the Stark siblings. But putting that aside, now that Rickon is back at Winterfell, now under the rule of Ramsay Bolton, I shudder to think what this monster has in store for him.
I am quite enjoying getting these Ned Stark flashbacks. I’m glad that the show found a way to bring Ned Stark back, without actually bringing him back, as in the case of Jon Snow. We are learning a good deal about what really happened in the past, and that certain stories may not be as true as the characters think they are. But what was up with Ned seemingly hearing Bran call to him? Will Bran somehow actually be able to communicate with his father in the past? That could make things really intriguing. Would the show actually add a time travel factor? It seems a bit out of place for the genre that the show seems to be, but as a time travel fan, this could be kinda awesome!
So, Arya seems to have turned into powerful fighter even being blind. How much more dangerous could she get now that her eyesight has returned? What does Jaqen H’ghar have planned for her? Is she truly “no one” or just acting?
That brings us to Jon Snow, and the fact that he declared that his watch is ended. That is true, as the service of the Night’s Watch ends upon their death. But where will he go now? What will he do? It seems as though he will live up to the future that Melisandre saw for him in the flames, fighting at Winterfell. I am looking forward to seeing his journey of getting there and carrying out this prophecy. Ramsay Bolton definitely has it coming.
His Thoughts on Game of Thrones, Season 6 Episode 3: Oathbreaker
I was wondering if Jon Snow was going to go through with whatever punishment would be put on the mutineers in Castle Black. I figured execution was on the table, but I thought Jon Snow might consider letting them off the hook. He thought about it, from the hesitation he has before he commences the hanging. I think this hopefully bodes well hopefully for Jon Snow not coming back as an evil person, but we will have to wait and see. I am interested to see what he means he is done with his Watch though. I guess since he is dead, he had fulfilled his oath, and is free to do what he wants, I guess.
As for Arya, she seems to have committed to being “no one.” I think Jaqen would be able to tell if she were lying at this point. I wonder what this means for her though. Does she still have the ability to carry out her list? Or does becoming “no one” eliminate this list for her? I want to see what the story arc for Arya is. I think her story is progressing a little slow.
I am excited to see this trial by combat that the Mountain seems to be participating in soon. He is reanimated it appears, so I wonder what that means for him. If he loses a limb, will he even be affected? Or can he simply go on, as a zombie would until there is no head left to tell the body to fight?
Bran’s story was a sad one for me. It took away some of the nobility that Ned Stark had. Sure, he wasn’t the one who stabbed his foe in the back, but he seemed content with telling the story as the way Bran knows it. It feels dirty to me. I guess no one in the Game of Thrones is perfect.
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