Violet recaps Season 3 Episode 7 of The Flash, titled Killer Frost, where Caitlin begins transforming into an evil metahuman known as Killer Frost. Following the recap, both Violet and Josh share their thoughts about the episode.
- His thoughts on Killer Frost, Episode 307 of The Flash
- Her thoughts on The Flash, Season 3 Episode 7: Killer Frost
Recap of The Flash, Season 3 Episode 7: Killer Frost
The episode picks off where we left off at the end of last episode, with Savitar attacking The Flash. However, it seems that Barry is the only one who can see Savitar, so Joe can’t see what he’s shooting at. While Joe is distracted, Alchemy is able to get away. Then Savitar takes The Flash for a run, dragging him in tow. Back at STAR Labs, they try to track him, but aren’t having much luck because he is moving too fast.
Finally, he stops at the waterfront. Iris begs Caitlin to help. Cisco opens a breach and he and Caitlin go to the waterfront. They aren’t able to see Savitar, but Caitlin shoots her ice powers toward Savitar, who becomes frozen, then breaks out of the ice and runs away. Barry is okay, and thanks them for coming.
Back at STAR Labs, Caitlin checks on Barry and Cisco, and says they’ll be fine. H.R. wonders why Barry is the only one who can see Savitar. They think it could be because he’s also a speedster. H.R. recognizes the name Savitar as the god of motion. Caitlin checks on Wally’s vitals, as he is still in the cocoon. He seems to be in a coma-like state. Joe gets frustrated, feeling like he needs to do something, and heads out.
At CCPD, Joe questions one of Alchemy’s servants, who isn’t very forthcoming. Joe is interrupted by Caitlin knocking on the door. She tells him that Wally is out of the cocoon and is fine. Joe heads out to go see him. However, Caitlin goes into the interrogation room, and uses her powers to ice the cameras. She demands that the guy tell her where Alchemy is. He doesn’t cooperate, so she begins using her powers on him. Some cops hear the commotion and come to check it out, so she sneaks out of the room. On her way out, she comes across Julian and takes him with her.
When Joe returns to STAR Labs, he is confused to see that Wally is still in the cocoon. He tells them what happened, and Barry rushes over to CCPD. Detective Patterson tells Barry that a metahuman took Julian hostage, and shows Barry the surveillance video.
Caitlin takes Julian to an empty warehouse, and commands Julian to search for Alchemy, then Savitar.
Barry returns to STAR Labs and they try to figure out how to find Caitlin. H.R. has a useful idea — do it the same way they tracked Captain Cold. Cisco scans for ultraviolet cold signature, and they find Caitlin at a frozen food warehouse. He hacks into the security camera feed and they watch and listen.
Julian gets a couple of hits for Savitar and gives her their addresses. While Caitlin’s back is turned, Julian gets a message to the police about his whereabouts. Just then, The Flash shows up. He knocks Julian out and tries to talk Caitlin down. She says that she needs Alchemy to get rid of her powers. Caitlin spills the beans about the fact that Cisco’s brother, Dante was alive until Barry created Flashpoint. The police show up and begin shooting, but Barry pulls Caitlin out of the way in time. Caitlin stabs him in the leg with an icicle so that he can’t follow her.
Barry makes it back to STAR Labs, where Joe reports that Julian was taken to the hospital, and is still out. Cisco asks Barry what Caitlin said about his brother, and Barry admits that it’s true. He hacks Julian’s computer and finds the addresses that he looked up. Joe and H.R. team up to go to one address, while Cisco goes to the other, and Barry and Iris stay behind with Wally.
While on their stakeout, Joe and H.R. talk about Barry and the team. However, it’s the house that Cisco is watching where Killer Frost turns up. She confronts the follower and asks who Alchemy is. But the man says he doesn’t know who Alchemy is, and that he’s just an acolyte, like him, and that they both serve the speed god. He also tells her that he saw the future and she was there. He calls her by her real name and by Killer Frost. But she hears Cisco shout her name and goes outside to confront him.
Cisco tells Caitlin that he’s not going to leave her out here. Killer Frost begins to shoot icicles at Cisco, who puts on his Vibe equipment and fights back. But then The Flash shows up, though his leg isn’t fully healed, and he stumbles on the ground. She kisses him, turning his entire body cold. But Cisco vibes her off of him, then tells Barry to start vibrating to warm himself up.
When Killer Frost wakes up, she’s locked in a cell in the pipeline. There’s no sign of Caitlin, just Killer Frost. Joe asks H.R. to help him get Wally out of the cocoon. Meanwhile, Barry sulks, and Iris tries to cheer him up. The power flickers. They all go in and see that Joe is trying to cut Wally out of the cocoon and try to stop him, but it’s too late. Barry is able to get Joe out of the way just as the cocoon explodes open. Wally emerges, vibrating, then runs off.
They realize they need a biochemist — Caitlin — so Barry goes to talk to Killer Frost. He opens her cell and lets her out. He says she’s free to go, but the catch is that she has to kill him first. She takes an icicle and holds it toward his heart — but is unable to do it. Caitlin comes back, and she hugs Barry.
Caitlin makes a serum that she thinks will get Wally’s mind and body running at the same speed. Joe thinks that Wally may have gone to the house that he grew up in, so Joe and Barry head over there. Joe finds Wally standing outside. The Flash rushes over and injects Wally with the serum, which makes Wally stop vibrating. Wally recognizes his dad, then collapses into his arms.
Back at STAR Labs, Wally runs around the track. Cisco reports that he’s running faster than Barry did at the beginning. Caitlin comes in and apologizes to Cisco, and they hug. Wally comes down and gushes about his speed to Joe and Barry. Caitlin agrees to run tests on Wally. Joe gets a notification from the hospital that Julian is awake. Caitlin is worried because Julian knows it was her, and what she did. Barry says he’ll take care of it.
Before Barry heads out, he goes to talk to Cisco, but Cisco doesn’t want to talk about it. Barry asks if they’re going to be okay, but Cisco says he doesn’t know.
At the hospital, Barry sees Patterson about to head in to take Julian’s statement, but gets Patterson to let him go in to talk to Julian first. Julian knows the reason Barry is there. Barry tells Julian that Caitlin is a good person, and begs him not to turn her in. Julian agrees — but only in exchange for Barry quitting the police department. Barry reluctantly agrees. When Patterson questions Julian, he claims that everything is a blur.
As Barry packs up his office, he explains to Joe and Iris about Julian’s ultimatum. He says he would give up everything to keep the people he loves safe.
In the final scene, Savitar speaks to Julian in the hospital, telling him that only together they can bring about his return. Savitar asks Julian to become his servant, Alchemy, once more. We see Julian later unlock a drawer at the lab and pull out the Alchemy mask.
Her Thoughts on The Flash, Season 3 Episode 7: Killer Frost
Okay, I stand corrected. Julian is Alchemy after all. Apparently the show wanted to go the obvious route. I think it might be because The Flash attracts a younger demographic among the superhero shows, so the writers were trying to make it be a bit simpler so that the younger kids could be able to guess what’s going on. As an adult who is used to complicated storylines, Julian as Alchemy seemed like too obvious of a choice. Or maybe it was because the writers wanted to simplify things after that complicated time remnant thing with Jay Garrick/Hunter Zolomon/Zoom last season.
In any case, we got another speedster out of all this — Wally, aka Kid Flash. Is he going to keep that name or adopt a different one? Also, it seems like he’s going to be a “good guy” metahuman. So what was the point of Alchemy — or I guess Savitar, really, since we learned that he’s really the one pulling the strings here — restoring Wally’s powers? Doesn’t Savitar want there to be bad metahumans? Or did he think he could sway Wally to be bad? Or does he just want the competition as a speedster, or want another speedster around for reasons similar to Zoom?
Also, we got a showdown between Vibe and Killer Frost. For now, it seems like Caitlin has her Killer Frost tendencies under control. But for how long? Will her evil side try to come out again? Or will she be able to keep them at bay? Is it possible for her to have her Killer Frost properties and still be good? If not, why? Again, why do all metahumans have to be bad unless they’re a speedster who’s friends with Barry? I hope they can figure out a way for Caitlin to keep her powers and still be good, because she would make a valuable asset to the team.
His Thoughts on The Flash, Season 3 Episode 7: Killer Frost
So, it looks like unfortunately the theory is true—Julian is Alchemy. It looks like he might be mind controlled by Savitar, so it’s not truly Julian, which sort of explains his hatred for Metas while simultaneously creating more at the same time, but still—this is another one of the those “switcheroos” where there TV made it seem like there was no possible way it could be true, but it is. I am not a fan.
But on to other problems with the show–what is the deal with the Killer Frost meta power? It seems like it is built in with making Caitlin evil. Why would this meta power innately have the ability to make her evil? I don’t think we have seen many powers that made anyone bad, primarily it has been bad people gain abilities, or people who have gone off the rails for one reason or another. But based on what happened with Caitlin returning to her human form, we see a switch flip off on her, which makes it appear the power controls her mind. I am still holding out hope that the vision Cisco had was them practicing their powers rather than attempting to kill each other.
As for Wally, he apparently was an easier situation to deal with. Still, it boggled my mind that Joe would cut him out of the “cocoon” when we can imagine that if you interrupt a metamorphosis—it probably isn’t a good thing. But all seems to be well with a simple injection, I suppose. I am curious to see how long Wally will have these powers, as they seem directly linked to Savitar and Alchemy. Once they are defeated, do their powers go as well?
I guess I did miss talking about one of the biggest parts of the episode—how is there any hope of defeating Savitar? He seems to move so fast that he is invisible, and we see from Barry’s perspective how slow he is comparatively. Killer Frost seemed to get a bit of a jump on him, but I have to imagine he is not often caught by surprise. I am hoping Savitar is able to be an interesting villain, but one that is not taken down by some cheesy move. We will have to see in the episodes ahead.
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